No training today - just a day to eat and reflect on everything we have to be thankful for. Included in the many things that I am thankful for today, is the blogging community I discovered this year. I had no idea when I started blogging that there were so many dog-related bloggers out there. You have truly been an inspiration to me.
I want to thank everyone that has visited our blog; left comments of support; and suggestions for training. And, I am appreciative to all those bloggers who have posted about their dogs and the activities they do with them. I have a growing list of blogs that I try to visit every day to see what's new.
Leaving you with a couple pictures of our Thanksgiving Day : )
Is it time to eat yet?

My clean up help!

LOL....what wonderful helpers you have!
Happy Late Turkey Day Jackson!
I’ve been visiting your blog for a little while and have never posted since I didn’t have my own blog but now I have my own blog and thought I would formally introduce myself and say hello. I found your blog by way of my fellow Dane friend Honey. My name is Kasha the Dainty Great Dane. I’m from Illinois, U.S.A. and I’m a 7 year old female Harlequin. I was a rescue and mom and dad got me a little over 2 years ago….I’m sure glad the rescued me! I like to go for walks, sleep, eat, sleep, do some training and did I say sleep!! Sleeping is my favorite pastime.
Mom is slowly figuring out this blog thing so she’s going to try to visit you and post more often so stop by and check out my new baby blog and say hello when you have time. I’m at
We love to hear all about all of your amazing obedience accomplishments. My mom wants to do Rally Obedience with me but I have oh so much to learn. She's trying but you know I'm not a youngster so she better train me fast...Hee Hee.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Dane
Hey Kasha, Thanks for stopping by. Will be visiting your blog to keep up on how you're doing. Good luck with your Rally training. It is great fun. We love to see Danes participating in the various activities.
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