Monday, September 6, 2010

The Photo shoot

Jackson and his training buddy Melody had a photo shoot yesterday. Both Jackson and Melody were invited to the AKC National Obedience Invitational (see previous post). We thought it was really neat that both of us were invited since we're training buddies and nontraditional obedience breeds. And, since and it's kind of a once-in-a-lifetime event for us, we decided to put an ad in the Obedience Invitational catalog. Thus, the photo shoot. So, here's one of the photos we selected for the ad.

Photo by Jerry Ranch


Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

super cute!

Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

and does this mean that you've decided to go? I totally think that you should!

Jennifer H. said...

Awww I LOVE it!!!! What a great photo and how cool that you were both invited!!

Kathie R said...

Thanks! Nope, neither one of us is going (it's a looong way to California :) If our performances were more competitive, we might be tempted to go. We thought since we were invited though, it would be fun to place an ad.

HawaiianDane said...

LOVE the picture!! It is great!!

Kasha The Dainty Great Dane said...

Great really should go to CA....If I was as talented as you I'd have mom loading the car up and taking us to CA for a nice vacation and competition. Heck it's once in a lifetime I'd be all over it if I had your skills.

AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane

Lindsay said...

That has got to be so exciting just to be invited!