Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where I Sleep

We got tagged by Honey the Great Dane to play the 'Where I Sleep' game. In this game, we show some of Jackson's favorite sleeping places.

I have picked out his three very favorite places to sleep. I can usually find Jackson in one of these three spots. The first one is the breakfast area off the kitchen. It doesn't look like a very comfortable spot to sleep, but he has picked this out as his most favorite place. I think maybe he likes it because it allows him to keep an eye on things going on in the house - that is, if he wakes up : )

His second most favorite place is upstairs on Mom and Dad's bed. I think this is when he's really tired (like after a practice session) and he doesn't want to be disturbed.

His favorite place to sleep at night time is on the stairway landing. He's not allowed to sleep in bed with Mom and Dad, so this evidently is his compromise position - he can be close enough to keep an eye on us. I must say it does give me a feeling of security to have him between me and the outside world when we're sleeping : )


The PR Gang said...

Love the breakfast area photo with his legs hanging off!

Mr Darcy's Human said...

Wow that first photo is priceless! You are a gorgeous boy Jackson!

Unknown said...

I love that first photo too - you look so comfy and happy, Jackson!

And I like the one of you sleeping on the landing clever!

Honey the Great Dane